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JUNE 18, 2001



Several weeks ago we announced on this site that there was important news in the offing, and that we would post it as soon as we could. Well, here it is. The foreword to "Aid and Comfort": Jane Fonda in North Viet Nam has just been completed by Col. George E. ("Bud") Day (USAF, Ret.).


Col. Day, a 34-year veteran of WW II, Korea, and Viet Nam, is America's most highly decorated soldier since General of the Army Douglas MacArthur. A tactical fighter pilot, Col. Day was shot down over North Vietnam, suffering three fractures of his right arm, a badly wrenched knee and a damaged eye. Kept in a hole for a week without shoes, tortured, and tied up like an animal, he realized that he was only about 18 miles from the DMZ and friendly lines. He decided to escape. For ten days in the jungle he evaded capture, enduring pain, hunger, fear, and even American bombing. Miraculously, he made it to the DMZ crossed it, and was in sight of a US marine base when he was shot by North Vietnamese troops and recaptured. Transported to Hanoi, he spent 67 months as a prisoner of war in the hell holes of Hanoi.


Among Bud Day's honors -- some 70, more than 50 for combat -- is America's highest, the Medal of Honor.


In recommending Col. Day's own book, Return With Honor, United States Senator and former cellmate John McCain said that "Bud Day is one of the greatest men I have ever had the honor to know."


It is a profound honor for us that Col. Day has written the forward to "Aid and Comfort": Jane Fonda in North Vietnam.